“Marriage Boot Camp Reality Stars” got off to a rocky start this season, when Tara Reid skipped the first day and for some reason thought it wouldn’t be big deal. This isn’t school Tara, you can’t get notes on the lecture or the class from a pal to make up what you missed.
From there it got even more murky with Tara refusing to participate in a very tough roleplaying exercise, despite the others taking part. It’s not that it didn’t affect everyone else in a very emotional way, it’s just that they understand that rules are rules. You are either there to work or just pick up a paycheck at the end. Preview: Memphitz realizes he’s not marriage material, Toya knows it
From the beginning of Tara’s refusal to play well with the other boot campers, Brittish Williams has been on her case. Brittish and fiance Lorenzo Gordon (“Basketball Wives”) are in residence to see if their never-ending engagement will result in a wedding or a broken relationship. In her spare time at the boot camp, Brittish has taken on the role of nag and enforcer-in-chief.
There’s usually one person each season, and that is typically a woman, who makes it her business to get to the bottom of everything. It occurs when someone or a couple isn’t opening up, leaving the others wondering why they have to air their dirty laundry on TV and reach deep into hurt that feels like it will break them. On this season of “Marriage Boot Camp Reality Stars” that person is Brittish.
In the video preview clip posted below, taken from tonight’s latest episode “Loose Lips Kill Relationships”, watch Brittish continue to go at Tara and Dean about their lack of cooperation, making it very clear that SHE wants answers. Meanwhile, Jim and Elizabeth Carroll are ready to put the screws to Tara Reid over her attitude. The problem is that both she and Dean retreat when criticized, making it impossible to get through to them. It’s gonna’ be another barn burner tonight.
WE tv airs new episodes of “Marriage Boot Camp Reality Stars” Friday nights at 9 p.m. ET/PT Image/video credit: WEtv used with permission